Fredericton Homeless Count 2016

The Fredericton Homeless Count reveals that people on our streets are living with complex health issues. The longer a person remains on the streets, the more vulnerable they become to exploitation, chronic illness and a host of other challenges.

In Rosanne Haggerty's address to the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness she asserted "It can be easy to grow accustomed to vulnerable people living on our streets, especially if we believe there’s nothing we personally can do about it. The truth, of course, is that we are the only ones who can do something about it. There is no cavalry coming; it has to be us."

It is time to build a critical sense of urgency in regards to homelessness in Fredericton. Please share this video widely to help build the momentum and social will needed to help end homelessness in our community.

We can do better and we must do better.

Andrew Bedford